Sarah Jordan Photography

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Three years young

Today my baby turned three. I felt a mixture of pride, nostalgia and excitement while considering this milestone before he awoke this morning. Three years old! Three! That’s just crazy. He’s now a real little person. A person who has likes, dislikes, opinions…and the ability to express them all. At high volume.

For the first time, Hudson really understood that today was his special day, and he eagerly anticipated the festivities. We had a full day planned, including a quick stop for a chocolate doughnut before heading to a touch-a-truck event in Danvers. If you know Hudson at all, you know that his life literally revolves around trucks. He eats with them, sleeps with them…and plays with them for every waking hour of the day. So I thought he’d flip for this special event. And at first, he did.

But then the honking started.  The cement mixer beeped.  The ambulance blared.  Even the race car VROOOOOOOMed at top volume.  And it was all just too much for him.

And so, on this day that I expected to marvel at how big my little boy was getting, I was reminded instead of how young he really is.  He still needs a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, and a lap to sit in.  He thrives on “I love you’s” and hugs, and depends on his Mommy to remember the whereabouts of his stuffed friends and snuggle blankets.

After the last of the sniffles had passed, we moved on to more surefire ways to make the little guy smile.  Like TOY trucks.  Aunt Becca and Uncle Abe saved the day with the most amazing crane a little boy could ever dream about.  At Hudson’s request, we took it for a picnic dinner at his favorite park.  Ahhh…the things we do for our toy trucks.The day ended with a happy, sweaty, exhilarated little boy smiling from ear to ear, surrounded by the people who love him most.

Happy Birthday, Hudson.  No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby.

Kids, My Family
  1. Donna says: Tears in my eyes, its so beautiful! on 06.19.11 @ 6:15 am

  2. Kelly Links says: Well, not all the people who love him most ;) They all go beep! Wish I was there... on 06.19.11 @ 9:38 pm