Sarah Jordan Photography

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Archive for the ‘Sneak Peeks’ Category

Wrapped around her finger

Yeah. I think she’s gonna like being a big sister 🙂

Newborn, Sneak Peeks

Sneak Peek

This kid is going places. Fast. Mom and Dad, I hope you can keep up!

Family, Kids, Sneak Peeks
  1. Anne - Tesla's Mom says: What a great shot! Makes me want to get up and move! on 05.22.11 @ 1:04 am

The same but different

It was so much fun to see how much these little guys grew up since their 6 month session! They’re now about to turn one, and have such developed (and different) personalities.
I was a little concerned about the weather as I drove into a cloud of fog as I entered Southie, but luckily things cleared up enough for us to head outside for a bit.

Baby, Sneak Peeks

Flower Power

After hunting all over New England to find a field of wildflowers, I finally stumbled upon this gorgeous location on my way home from my parents house the other day. I immediately *knew* I had to hold a session here (or two or three)! Unfortunately, the forecast is looking pretty uncooperative for the next few days….but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it is wrong, and that I can squeeze some more fabulous pics in before the flowers are gone!
These two beauties have a special place in my heart, since they are betrothed to my sons. No, really. Hudson already asks to play over at their house every chance he gets! Of course, unless they come around to liking trucks as much as my boys do, there may be a slight change in plans…

Baby, Kids, Sneak Peeks

Sleepy Time

Newborns generally fall into one of three categories:
*awake but content
*awake and unhappy

This morning’s little guy was of the “awake but content” variety – so I was so happy (and relieved!) that he caved and gave in to a precious cat nap. Of course, I indulged in lots of newborn cuddles and rocking before getting to this point. Hey, it’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it, right?

Newborn, Sneak Peeks
  1. Donna says: What a beautiful "grown-up" face! on 05.13.11 @ 6:31 pm

Since we’re on the topic

of behind-the-scenes photos, thought you all might enjoy a peek into “the making of” one of my recent pics.

When I walked into this little guy’s nursery and saw the place packed with sock monkeys, I knew I just HAD to get a photo with them and Baby D in the crib together.

I got everything all set up, broke out the camera, went to take the pic when I realized a slight problem: He wasn’t quite able to stand on his own yet…so mom helped us out a bit.

I’m lucky to have clients that not only put up with my craziness, but actually encourage it!

Baby, Sneak Peeks
  1. Teslasmom says: That is so funny Sarah! I love it! on 05.5.11 @ 9:26 pm


Do you remember what it’s like to swing higher and higher until you actually feel like you’re flying? That pit-in-your-stomach exhilaration? No? Well, I highly suggest you take 10 minutes of your life to go remind yourself. You’ll feel like a kid again. A very, very happy kid.

Thanks for flying with me today, guys!

Family, Kids, Sneak Peeks

Road trip

We had locations all planned out for this morning’s session…but as I drove to the house, I passed this gorgeous field with magical light. I think you can guess where this is heading…

Family, Sneak Peeks
  1. Donna says: What a happy shot! on 04.30.11 @ 6:52 pm

Ambush photo shoot

When my husband’s cousin’s family visited from Sweden last weekend, I asked if they’d like a family photo to commemorate the trip.  They said yes, but somehow the specifics were lost in translation…

So when we picked them up and headed to this beautiful location, they thought we were just headed to Easter brunch!  Despite the fact that they were totally unprepared for a photo shoot, I think they managed to look pretty amazing.  Don’t you agree?

Thanks for being such troopers, guys!

Family, Sneak Peeks
  1. Kelly Links says: They look great! I'm so glad you guys were able to visit over the weekend. Did Hudson learn any Swedish? on 04.26.11 @ 11:01 am

Monkey business

I just about fell over when I walked into this little guy’s nursery! Mom’s got a great sense of style, and pulled out all the stops for the sock monkey theme. Isn’t it the coolest room?!

Hope you like your sneak peek! There are lots more where this came from 😉

Baby, Sneak Peeks
  1. Anne says: How cute! Great shot, Sarah! on 04.18.11 @ 5:37 pm

  2. Maria says: Seriously one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen! on 04.21.11 @ 12:07 am

  3. Lauren Reynolds says: Oh my goodenss, Sarah -- precious! on 04.22.11 @ 10:53 am

Rain. Sun.

Rain. Sun. Rain. Sun.

That was the way this morning went. Luckily, we were able to dodge the raindrops long enough to get some beautiful shots of this beautiful family!

Baby, Sneak Peeks

A boy and his duck

I had such a great time at my family session this morning! Not only was the whole family really easy going and up for anything, but they have baby ducks, chicks, and even goats on their property…and this little guy adores them all!

Kids, Sneak Peeks

Today’s Sneak Peek

Just got home from this session and loaded the pics onto the computer…and this was the literally the first shot of the day 🙂  I haven’t even looked at the rest yet, but wanted his mama to have a little peek of her handsome guy!

Baby, Sneak Peeks

Sneak Peek

V, you’re gorgeous.  And not just because you don’t have a single stretch mark 🙂

Maternity, Sneak Peeks
  1. Lauren Reynolds says: Oh I LOVE this! How stunning -- beautiful work, Sarah! on 04.11.11 @ 10:07 pm

Sneak Peek

I got to spend today with this beauty and her parents. Not a bad way to start the weekend 🙂
Little S was such a trooper – we were able to get tons of different shots…but on first glance, I was drawn to the cozy feel of these. I hope you guys like them, and I will be posting the rest as soon as I can!

Family, Newborn, Sneak Peeks
  1. M Dupuis says: Gorgeous color! We cannot wait to see the rest of them. Thank you for a wonderful day! M, J & S on 03.5.11 @ 9:15 pm

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